Once Bitten, Twice
Shy, Third Time Stupid
Over the years in recruitment, I have seen many
job applicants make the same mistake again and
again. This is a fatal mistake that I feel need to
be addressed. These are the list of things that you
should not do in the event of applying for jobs.
Do not spam the HR executives
A lot of desperate job seekers had been committing
this same mistake. If you visit the yahoo groups,
you will realize that some of the members are so
helpful that they list out all the email addresses
of the HR executives and headhunting/recruitment
firms. It is really scary as the list comes in
hundreds and thousands. Not surprisingly, my email
was included in it as we're in the headhunting
business as well.
Guess what happens when the hr executives receive
your email. Count yourself really lucky if they
don't list your email in the spam folder. What have
you achieved? Nothing, but you have probably pissed
people off. If you are one of those that enjoy
broadcasting your resume, you would probably ban
yourself from applying for jobs. Most of the
established companies have got spam filters
installed and even if your email doesn't get picked
up by spam filters, your resume is likely banned
from their database. Word get around fast and all HR
executives normal share a common pull of blacklist
Do not submit your resume to job portals where
anybody can assess
I always receive calls from a lot of jobseekers
asking me why they are not able to find job
opportunities with large MNCs. It's not as if they
do not qualify as some of them do have pretty good
credentials. As all these queries piled up, I
decided to do some cross reference with some of my
clients to find out what was the main problem. Guess
what was the reply?
Oh...they have been banned. Why have they been
banned, I asked? Well by submitting their resumes to
job portals that all employers have full access to (e.g
Monster.com), you have just flooded the market with
their resumes. You might think it might be a good
thing but this should be done only on a last resort.
Why is it so? Basically all the recruitment firms
accessing that has access to the portal will pick
your resume up as well. Imagine 30 or 40 recruitment
firms submitting your resume to companies like
Microsoft and Accenture. What happens? Your name
gets strike off even if you apply directly to the
company later.
Do Not Submit Your Resume More Than Once
By submitting your resume more than once you're
really getting on people's nerves. A lot of people
do not know that. What do you think I do when I
receive the same resume 3 or 4 times a day? I delete
his email and go to the spam filter and block his
email address. That's what most HR executives do as
well. Remember, your job is to send a neat &
professional resume to make sure that the HR
executives can do their job easily. You help them by
helping yourself.
Always Indicate The Job Title/Code
Imagine a large MNC who has got 50 different
openings. Out comes a resume that does not indicate
any intention. What do you think the HR executive
will do? Your resume will probably end up in the
deleted mail folder. Do you think the HR executive
has time to call all the candidates? They might do
so if your resume is really well written. Imagine 50
X 100 resumes. The likely chance is that your resume
will end up being deleted.
Now you understand the meaning of Once Bitten,
Twice Shy, Third Time Stupid. There are so many
people who continue to make these glaring mistakes
day after day and that is going to impact on their
career if they are choosing to join a large and
reputable firm. More importantly, you need a good
solid resume that bring you far in your career.
To sum it up, these are the things that you
shouldn't do to avoid losing the opportunity of
joining an MNC.
1 - Do not Spam the HR executives if there are no
genuine opportunities advertised.
2 - Do not submit your resume to job portals where
anybody can assess.
3 - Do not submit your resume more than once.
4 - Always indicate the job code.
Follow these steps and you stand a better chance of
securing a good job.
Author Bio
Edmund Ng is the CEO of a consortium of Headhunting
Firms. He manages multiple job portals and the
largest IT-Jobs Yahoo Groups in Singapore. He also
runs http://www.PurchaseResume.com - a professional
resume service provider that has helped more than
700 people get their dream jobs.
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