Putting America
Back to Work
The United States is one of the
greatest countries on the planet. We have helped
more countries in need than any other single power
and have developed more for the good of civilization
than any single country in the world. As we have
helped so many, it is only right that we continue to
prosper and lead the world. However, as we have
focused our attention on improving life for so many
outside our country we have lost focus on sustaining
our own prosperity.
1. We have companies that
now think in short term profits for the sake of
stock prices. Some of these global corporations
also offshore their workforce while continuing to
take large profits overseas, thus avoiding paying
the same US income tax local organizations pay.
2. We have two political
parties that continue to fight as if there can be
only one party winner. It seems as though our
leaders are more interested in promoting their
parties principles rather than the principles of
their voters while accepting large donation from
3. We no longer support US
products for the sake of saving a few dollars.
We as a people have become satisfied with low
quality, throw away products, and wind up spending
more in the long run. We need to return to
believing quality is King.
Many people will banter about
the idea that it is the fault of the Democrats or
the Republicans, some will even say it is the fault
of the President.
The truth in the matter is
it is the fault of the American people.
We continue to buy products
made in other countries for the sake of a saving a
few dollars not realizing the ramifications of our
action when 20 million of our 300 million plus
population buys that product. One five-dollar
product could save over 3 thousand jobs. A
one hundred dollar product could save 60 thousand
We continue not to take a part
in our legislative process by voting, and many if
they do vote, either vote pure party line because
that’s the way our parents did it or believed. On
the other hand, we simply refuse to take the time to
educate ourselves in the candidates experience and
beliefs. Currently over half of our Senate and
Congress, the people we have placed in the position
to have a direct effect on our lives, have never had
any business experience at all, sure, they have
experience in parliamentary procedure, but far too
many are professional politicians.
We begin supporting political
groups that seem to shout the loudest without
taking into consideration what the true focus of
their leaders are.
We continue to listen to our
favorite talk show host, read only a single writer’s
view, or watch the same news broadcast until the
rhetoric is no longer opinion in our mind, it
becomes fact.
Do you really want to take
America Back?
Open your mind to new ideas.
Buy and support local businesses and products.
Educate yourself on different political candidates.
Support companies that support you. Stop dwelling
on the past and work towards a better future.
Go out and buy one 20 dollar US
made product whether you need it or not, if we could
get 150 million people to do that, we could save
over 300,000 jobs. If we could get everyone doing
this ever week, we could put 156 billion dollars
back into our economy and over 9 billion dollars in
tax revenue.
Take America Back
We’re the Only Ones that will DO IT
Economic prosperity, American Economy, Taking
America Back, Economic, Recovery |